I'm a weary old salt regaling with tales of life on the brine in the World of Warships.
Friday, April 15, 2016
From the Jaws of Defeat
The Atlanta is a much maligned vessel. All too often it is falsely compared to other cruisers when, in reality, it is like no other cruiser in the World of Warships. Indeed, it probably more resembles a Destroyer. Bristling with Destroyer sized weapons and packing an almighty Anti Air suite, it fills a role as a powerful escort vessel that can devastate small and large vessels alike when allowed to play in its range. This morning's round is a prime example.
The round started off in predictable enough fashion. Both teams had the new Premium CV, the Saipan, providing air cover and being a relatively low tier match I surmised the chances of an early carrier strike as quite high. With no enemy planes spotted for several minutes I became convinced that was the enemy CVs plan so sailing as close escort to our own Saipan I waited patiently for the strike aircraft to appear. Sadly, they didn't. Now well away from our undefended base I was contemplating my next move when the alarms started ringing, someone was trying to capture our base! A nearby Myoko and I made best speed for the base to hopefully repel the offending ships but it was going to be a tight call. The video below starts with the Myoko committing suicide to save the capture and then my efforts, backed up by a Mahan and the Saipan, to repel what remained.
It was a close call but highlights once again how powerful the Atlanta can be under the right circumstances. The much needed buff to turret hit points coming in the next patch 0.5.5 will be a huge bonus for the ship as turret destruction stands out as its biggest flaw. Hopefully the days of seeing my primary weapons all but stripped from my hull will finally be over. Now if only War Gaming would do something about those shell arcs...
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