This morning I went into a Tier X match with a couple of friends in a Yamato of his own and a Shimakaze. My Fubuki didn't look too out of place and it's high concealment factor means it's still viable at this level, I would just have to play it smart. The round started off routinely enough with Musty and I laying torpedo walls for the enemy Benson to sail into as he tried to capture the position we wanted. He obliged, blundering into one of Musty's torpedoes and we moved North to try and flank the main group, secure in the knowledge that their Destroyer escort was now gone. The next ten minutes consisted of unsuccessful torpedo runs and a close encounter with a Mogami that saw Musty's Shimakaze go to the bottom. I barely escaped and kept forward recon up for cycpwnus' Yamato but in tangling with the enemy Iowa and it's cruiser support he went to the bottom also, taking the Iowa with him. With only an Amagi left to escort and an increasing imbalance in enemy ships to friendlies, things were looking grim. To compound issues, the Amagi now had to deal with a Yamato that had joined the fray, which is about where this video picks up.
Nine torpedoes launched, seven strikes, one Yamato down. From that point on the dominos kept falling with our Zao captain performing a hard carry on the other side of the map, giving us the ticket lead and eventually the victory.
One more thing off the bucket list. :)
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