Wednesday, May 4, 2016

3 vs 1? I like those odds.

This week to change things up with Team Battles in the World of Warships my fellow team mates and I developed something of a troll team called Fukushima Sunset, because let's face it, the horizon always glows over Fukushima. The goal was to really just try some stupid shit and see how far it would get us. Early going mostly #YOLO tactics were employed with great effect, earning us about a 5 to 1 Win/Loss ratio and quickly boosting us into Charlie League. Last night we even put in a team of seven Atlantas for maximum trollage only to be summarily out trolled as you can see from the image below. We managed to kill just one Myoko and, to be fair, had it been any other map I'd have given us a decent chance, but Ocean is just the death knell for an Atlanta.

Moving on to this evening and we were short a player but had the good fortune to find a few handy mercenaries to fill the void. We had three good wins under our belt when an opportunity came up for my Atlanta to get into some short ranged knife fighting. The results, as seen below, were hilarious.

If you maintain the Atlanta is a bad ship I'm quite certain you're just doing it wrong. Situational sure, but your job as its Captain is to put it in the right situation to exploit its obvious strengths. I really try to not make every post about Atlanta awesomeness, but it's just so awesomeness. Even cycpwnus agrees.

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