With the Kagero the difference has been more subtle, reducing my detection range from 6 km's to 5.4 km's, but it's a welcome buffer at Tier 9 where enemy guns are alarmingly accurate and staying concealed is much the same as staying alive. After having some fun rounds in the Kagero I thought it was high time I put this captain to use in the Kamikaze R, the IJN Premium Destroyer. It's already a tremendously fun boat to use but with a 5.4 km detection range and 7 km torpedoes, it's at risk of being a little overpowered at Tier 5. Club in hand, I went looking for baby harp seals.
My first round kicked off in typical fashion as I sped off to cap a distant flag and, suprising absolutely no one, getting absolutely no back up of any sort. To add insult to injury, a Myogi captain had seen fit to Division with a Tier 1 Cruiser, putting our team on the back foot right from the get go. Undaunted I pushed on, briefly spotting an Isokaze on an intercept bearing. Still undetected I quickly put a tight spread where I anticipated him to be and the next time he appeared to me was moments before he sailed into one of my torpedoes and gave me the First Strike. With the flag capped I moved up unopposed to the enemy spawn area where I found a Myogi idle in the water, not AFK, but idle nonetheless. His angle to me wasn't ideal but three of my torpedoes struck, all caused flooding and it was clear he was going to sink without any more attention from me. Before my flooding could finish him off however, a friendly Carrier dealt the death blow, depriving me of my second kill.
I pushed on however, hunting down the enemy Carrier and quickly dispatching it before turning my attention to a Kongo who, despite his best efforts to evade and engage me, was soon put out of the battle too. With three kills secured and only three enemy ships left in play I made my way for the Arkansas Beta and his Kuma escort. The Kuma could be a handful so I again made use of my low detection profile and was fortunate enough to predict his movements scoring two more torpedo hits and leaving the Arkansas un-escorted. With just the Arkansas standing in the way of a Kraken award I threw caution to the wind and charged him down. Tickets were bleeding fast and, despite knowing how dangerous the Arkasas are in close, I made certain of my torpedo strike, sinking the Battleship moments after his own guns had sunk my Destroyer.

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